Lovely Lamb Shanks

We are really excited to bring you a gorgeous new lamb recipe from a very good friend of ours here at Gahan Meats: Killian O’Donohoe, head chef at the Skylon Hotel. He is a hugely talented chef and a great supporter of local food producers.

The recipe is for lamb shanks and we have them on special offer at the moment too: two for just €7. Find out more about our North Dublin lamb and order for delivery here.


4 Lamb Shanks

Olive oil

3 carrots, peeled and thickly sliced

2 onions, peeled and thickly sliced

2 bay Leaves

1 x 750ml bottle red wine

500ml chicken stock

1 bunch of mint meaves to garnish.


2tsp smoked paprika

2tsp dried oregano

1tsp cumin Seeds

2 cinnamon sticks, broken in half

2 peeled garlic cloves, chopped and crushed

2tsp olive

Salt & pepper

1. To marinate the lamb: Mix the smoked paprika, oregano, cumin seeds, cinnamon sticks, garlic, 2 tsp of olive oil and seasoning together. Rub the marinade into the lamb so that it is well flavoured. Leave marinate for at least 2 hours or overnight.

2. Preheat the oven 160 degrees Celsius.

3. Heat casserole dish and add a few drops of olive oil. Brown the lamb until coloured on all sides. Add cinnamon & garlic from the marinade.

4. Add carrots, onions & bay leaves to the casserole dish; brown for a minute or two. Lift lamb so that it is resting on top of the carrots and onions.

5. Add red wine to deglaze the pan and bring to the boil; cook for 8 minutes to reduce the liquid by half. Add the chicken stock, bring to boil and then transfer to preheated oven.

7. Cook for 3 hours until meat is very tender and sauce reduced, turning lamb every hour so top and sides do not dry out.

8. Remove the shanks from the oven and serve garnished with mint and cooking juices spooned over the shanks.